Common LISP自帶單步跟蹤功能

Common LISP自帶單步跟蹤功能,執行 (step 要跟蹤的命令)便可。以sdraw爲例,跟蹤其執行。函數


SDRAW[60]> (step (sdraw '(a (b c d) c)))lua

step 1 --> (SDRAW '(A (B C D) C))     顯示下一個要執行的語句spa

Step 1 SDRAW[61]>                         等待用戶輸入調試指令調試


Step 1 SDRAW[61]> help    ci

Step           :s       step into form: evaluate this form in single step modeit

Next           :n       step over form: evaluate this form at onceio

Over           :o       step over this level: evaluate at once up to the next returnform

Continue       :c       switch off single step mode, continue evaluation

-- Step-until :su, Next-until :nu, Over-until :ou, Continue-until :cu --

           same as above, specify a condition when to stop


Step 1 SDRAW[61]> :s         進入函數調用內部

step 2 --> '(A (B C D) C)             進入函數前,要求值每個參數

Step 2 SDRAW[62]> :s

step 2 ==> value: (A (B C D) C)    顯示上一條命令的執行結果

step 2 --> NIL              表達式是一個樹狀結構,這個分支已經沒有命令了,顯示爲空

Step 2 SDRAW[63]> :s

step 2 ==> value: NIL           上一個表達式爲空,執行結果也爲空

step 2 -->                     下面是函數sdraw的、複雜的實現,不少內容省掉了



Step 2 SDRAW[64]>

