excel表格中公式填充_在Excel 2007中使用自動填充加快電子表格的創建



Creating new MS Office documents from scratch can be quite a time consuming process.  Entering recurring data in a worksheet can be especially monotonous.  By using Autofill in Excel we can speed up the process of entering in days of the week, dates, times, etc.

從頭開始創建新的MS Office文檔可能是一個非常耗時的過程。 在工作表中輸入重複數據可能特別單調。 通過在Excel中使用自動填充 ,我們可以加快輸入星期幾,日期,時間等的過程。

For example we can use Autofill to enter in the days of the week.  Simply start by entering Sunday in a cell left click and drag down or across the cells you want to populate and release.

例如,我們可以使用「自動填充」輸入星期幾。 只需在一個單元格中單擊鼠標左鍵,然後在要填充和釋放的單元格中向下拖動或拖動即可開始。


Following that basic guideline we can make a quick schedule.  Here I am making a simple delivery schedule.  I want it to be for the next two weeks.  Using the method above I create two weeks worth of weekdays and am also associating the date of the month as well.  I start with one cell showing the 1st and the next cell showing Monday.  You will also notice you can select the Icon that appears at the edge of the last cell for a drop down menu that includes additional options. 

按照該基本準則,我們可以快速制定時間表。 在這裏,我正在制定一個簡單的交貨時間表。 我希望它能在接下來的兩個星期內出現。 使用上面的方法,我創建了兩個星期的工作日,並且還關聯了月份的日期。 我從顯示第一個的一個單元格開始,然後顯示星期一的下一個單元格。 您還將注意到,您可以選擇出現在最後一個單元格邊緣的圖標,以查看包含其他選項的下拉菜單。


Using the Autofill option really can save a lot of time when you are entering in redundant sequential data.  Even a mm/dd/yyyy format can be easily created.

當您輸入冗餘順序數據時,使用自動填充選項確實可以節省大量時間。 甚至可以輕鬆創建mm / dd / yyyy格式。


Again Autofill can be used going horizontal or vertical in the sheet.  Here is a quick example of a weekly chart.

同樣,可以在工作表中水平或垂直使用自動填充功能。 這是每週圖表的快速示例。


Hopefully this will help you out and once you get the hang of using this feature, creating worksheets from scratch or even using this to analyze data can be much easier.


翻譯自: https://www.howtogeek.com/80017/speed-up-spreadsheet-creation-using-autofill-in-excel-2007/
