Recurrent Neural Networks Tutorial, Part 1 – Introduction to RNNs

Recurrent Neural Networks Tutorial, Part 1 – Introduction to RNNs

What is RNN?


  • x t is the input at time step t. For example, x 1 could be a one-hot vector corresponding to the second word of a sentence.

  • s t is the hidden state at time step t. It’s the 「memory」 of the network. s t is calculated based on the previous hidden state and the input at the current step: s t = f ( U x t + W s t 1 ) . The function f usually is a nonlinearity such as tanh or ReLU. s 1 , which is required to calculate the first hidden state, is typically initialized to all zeroes.

  • o t is the output at step t. For example, if we wanted to predict the next word in a sentence it would be a vector of probabilities across our vocabulary. o t = s o f t m a x ( V s t ) .

  • 我們可以將隱藏狀態 s t 看作是網絡的記憶。 s t 捕捉在前幾次網絡運算中所包含的信息。每個時刻的輸出 o t 只和該時刻的記憶有關。

  • 和傳統的神經網絡不同, RNN每一層都共享同樣的參數(如前文中的U,V,W)。這表明我們是在重複地執行同樣的步驟,只是每個時刻的輸入有所不同。這極大地減少了我們運算所需要存儲的權值。

  • 上述過程的每個時刻都有一個輸出,但根據不同的應用場景,這個輸出不是必要的。

What can RNNs do?