在哪裏可以找到您的Google Analytics(分析)跟蹤代碼

Do you need to find your Google Analytics tracking code for your website?  Google doesn’t make it easy to find, but here’s how you can do it.

您是否需要查找網站的Google Analytics(分析)跟蹤代碼? Google並不容易找到它,但您可以按照以下方法進行操作。

When you sign up for Google Analytics, you’re given a script containing an unique tracking ID to integrate into your site.  You will typically add this code to the <head> portion of your HTML, though this may vary depending on your site.  Google gives you the code right when you signup, so if you immediately add it to your site, you may never think about it again.  However, if you later change your site’s theme or want to add Analytics to another part of your site, you’ll need the code again.  Strangely, there is no easy and obvious way to get your tracking script, but you can still find it.  Here’s what you’ll need to do.

當您註冊Google Analytics(分析)時,會得到一個包含唯一跟蹤ID的腳本,以集成到您的網站中。 您通常會將此代碼添加到HTML的<head>部分,儘管該代碼可能會因您的站點而異。 Google會在您註冊時立即爲您提供代碼,因此,如果您立即將其添加到您的網站,則可能再也不會考慮它。 但是,如果您以後更改網站的主題或要將Analytics(分析)添加到網站的另一部分,則將再次需要代碼。 奇怪的是,沒有一種簡單而明顯的方式讓您的跟蹤腳本,但你仍然可以找到它。 這是您需要做的。

Find Your Analytics Tracking Script


To find your Google Analytics tracking script, head over to the Analytics page (link below), and click Access Analytics.

要查找您的Google Analytics(分析)跟蹤腳本,請轉到「 Analytics(分析)」頁面( 下面的鏈接) ,然後單擊「 Access Analytics(訪問分析)」


Click your site’s name in the Accounts list.

在「 帳戶」列表中單擊您的站點名稱。


Now, click the Edit link on the right of your site’s name.

現在,單擊站點名稱右側的「 編輯」鏈接。


Click the Check Status link in the top right corner.



You’ll now see the complete Google Analytics code for your site near the bottom of the page.  Select it all and copy it, and now you can add the code to your site as usual.  Typically you can add this to the <head> portion of your site or blog theme, though this may differ depending on your website or CMS.

現在,您將在頁面底部附近看到您網站的完整Google Analytics(分析)代碼。 選擇全部並複製,現在您可以照常將代碼添加到您的站點。 通常,您可以將其添加到網站或博客主題的<head>部分,儘管根據網站或CMS可能有所不同。


If you want to track with a more advanced setup, such as a domain with multiple subdomains or a mobile website, select the Advanced tab for specialized Analytics tracking codes.

如果您想使用更高級的設置(例如具有多個子域的域或移動網站)進行跟蹤,請選擇「 高級」標籤以選擇專用的Google Analytics(分析)跟蹤代碼。


Find Your Site’s Tracking ID


Many CMS and blog engines, including most Tumblr themes and pro WordPress themes or plugins, can let your add Google Analytics by simply pasting in your unique Analytics ID.  It’s much easier to find this.  Just login to your Analytics dashboard as before, and select your site in the Accounts list.

許多CMS和博客引擎,包括大多數Tumblr主題和專業WordPress主題或插件,都可以通過簡單地粘貼唯一的Google Analytics(分析)ID來添加Google Analytics(分析)。 找到這個要容易得多。 只需像以前一樣登錄到Google Analytics(分析)信息中心,然後在「 帳戶」列表中選擇您的網站。


Now you’ll see your tracking code right beside your domain name.  It should be something like UA-12345678-9.

現在,您將在域名旁邊看到跟蹤代碼。 它應該類似於UA-12345678-9


Copy this code, and then paste it in your CMS, blog engine, or wherever you’ll use the Analytics tracking code by itself.

複製此代碼,然後將其粘貼到CMS,博客引擎中,或將其單獨用於Google Analytics(分析)跟蹤代碼的任何位置。




No matter what type of website you run, it’s always nice to know if people are visiting and what exactly they’re looking at.  Google Analytics makes this easy, and with this tip, you can always find your tracking code whenever you need to change something on your site.

無論您經營哪種類型的網站,總是很高興知道人們是否正在訪問以及他們到底在看什麼。 Google Analytics(分析)使此操作變得容易,藉助此技巧,您隨時可以在需要更改網站內容時隨時找到跟蹤代碼。



Access Your Google Analytics Account

訪問您的Google Analytics(分析)帳戶

翻譯自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/22576/where-to-find-your-google-analytics-tracking-code/