爲何將一個浮點型變量強制轉換爲int *指針會報錯

爲何將一個浮點型變量強制轉換爲int *指針會報錯, 但將一個char型變量強制轉換爲int * 指針則只是warning?web

 int a = 4;
 float b = 4.2;
 char c = 'A';
 int *p4 = NULL;
 p4 = a;          //warning: assignment makes pointer from integer without a cast
 p4 = (int *)a;
 p4 = b;          //error: incompatible types when assigning to type ‘int *’ from type ‘double’
 p4 = (int *)b;   //error: cannot convert to a pointer type  
 p4 = c;          //warning: assignment makes pointer from integer without a cast
 p4 = (int *)c;   //warning: cast to pointer from integer of different size 

 return 0;