


Have you ever had your keyboard break down on you, or your computer simply refuses to accept its input? It’s especially frustrating if this happens while the computer is off, since you can’t input your password to get access to Windows. Thankfully, Microsoft has included a way to access your data (and hopefully fix your problem) using only a mouse or a touch screen.

您是否曾經在鍵盤上摔壞過您,或者您的計算機只是拒絕接受它的輸入? 如果在計算機關閉時發生這種情況,尤其令人沮喪,因爲您無法輸入密碼來訪問Windows。 幸運的是,Microsoft提供了一種僅使用鼠標或觸摸屏即可訪問您的數據(並有望解決您的問題)的方法。

Turn on your computer normally. Assuming there are no deeper technical problems with Windows or your physical hardware, you should see the login screen as usual.

正常打開計算機。 假設Windows或您的物理硬件沒有更深層的技術問題,您應該照常看到登錄屏幕。

Look around the screen until you see this symbol, the Ease of Access Center. It’s a set of tools for those who may have difficulty with normal computer operations, from lower dexterity or visual impairment.

環顧屏幕,直到看到此符號,即「輕鬆訪問中心」。 對於那些由於較低的靈活性或視覺障礙而可能無法正常使用計算機的人,這是一組工具。

On Windows 7, the button is in the lower left-hand corner. In Windows 8 it’s in the same place, but only after a single click to raise the 「cover」 screen and expose the login prompt. On Windows 10 it’s also past the 「cover」 screen, but on the lower right-hand corner. (Be aware that the narrator may activate automatically, blasting a bit of synthesized voice at you.)

在Windows 7上,該按鈕位於左下角。 在Windows 8中,它位於同一位置,但僅在單擊以顯示「 cover」屏幕並顯示登錄提示後纔可。 在Windows 10上,它也超過了「封面」屏幕,但位於右下角。 (請注意,敘述者可能會自動**,向您發出一些合成聲音。)

After clicking the Ease of Access Center button, click 「On-Screen Keyboard」 or 「Type Without Keyboard.」 (On Windows 7, click 「OK」 or 「Apply」 next.) This will make a digital keyboard appear, looking more or less the same as a smartphone or tablet keyboard. It allows you to click on the keys with the mouse.

單擊「輕鬆訪問中心」按鈕後,單擊「屏幕鍵盤」或「不使用鍵盤鍵入」。 (在Windows 7上,單擊「確定」或「應用」。)這將使數字鍵盤出現,其外觀與智能手機或平板電腦鍵盤大致相同。 它允許您使用鼠標單擊鍵。

Now all you have to do is click in the login field, then click the correct letters or numbers on the digital keyboard to enter your password. Note the greyed keys—those symbols are accessible by clicking 「Shift」 and then the corresponding key. When you’re finished, just click either 「Enter」 or the login button, and you’ll log in to Windows normally.

現在您所要做的就是單擊登錄字段,然後在數字鍵盤上單擊正確的字母或數字以輸入密碼。 請注意灰色的按鍵-通過單擊「 Shift」然後單擊相應的按鍵可以訪問這些符號。 完成後,只需單擊「 Enter」或登錄按鈕,即可正常登錄Windows。

Hopefully once you’re in Windows you should be able to correct whatever’s wrong with your keyboard; you may need to reinstall the drivers or reconnect it if it’s a Bluetooth model.

希望您一旦進入Windows,就應該能夠糾正鍵盤的任何問題; 如果是藍牙型號,則可能需要重新安裝驅動程序重新連接驅動程序

And if for some reason you need to access Windows without a mouse, you should be able to enter your password right away on the login screen. If the login field loses focus, just press 「Tab」 to access it again.

並且,如果由於某種原因需要不使用鼠標訪問Windows,則應該能夠在登錄屏幕上立即輸入密碼。 如果登錄字段失去焦點,只需按「 Tab」即可再次訪問它。

翻譯自: https://www.howtogeek.com/327518/how-to-log-in-to-a-windows-desktop-without-a-keyboard/
