
Do you want to enable author tracking on your WordPress website?


If you run a multi-author WordPress site, then you’re probably wondering which of your authors write the most popular posts.


In this article, we’ll share how to enable author tracking in WordPress, so you can see all the authors related data that you need to make smart decisions for growing your website.


How to enable author tracking in WordPress

爲什麼以及誰應該在WordPress中啓用作者跟蹤? (Why and Who Should Enable Author Tracking in WordPress?)

If you run a multi-author blog, then you need to enable author tracking in WordPress. It allows you to gather data about how each author’s posts are performing on your website.

如果您運行多作者博客 ,則需要在WordPress中啓用作者跟蹤。 它使您可以收集有關每個作者的帖子在您網站上的表現的數據。

You can then promote high performing authors and offer some extra help to those who are struggling.


It is also a great way to find out whose posts bring in the most traffic and which articles are engaging readers.


For instance, you might have an author who’s great at writing posts that get lots of visitors, but those visitors may not stick around on your site. This may result in a high bounce rate, fewer page views, and less time spent on the website.

例如,您可能有一位很擅長寫吸引很多訪問者的帖子的作者,但是這些訪問者可能不會在您的網站上停留。 這可能會導致較高的跳出率 ,更少的頁面瀏覽量以及更少的網站停留時間。

After gathering this data, you can make informed decisions by improving your editorial workflow and offering more tips and help to the struggling writers.


在WordPress中設置作者跟蹤 (Setting up Author Tracking in WordPress)

First, you need to install and activate the MonsterInsights plugin. For more details, see our step by step guide on how to install a WordPress plugin.

首先,您需要安裝並激活MonsterInsights插件。 有關更多詳細信息,請參閱有關如何安裝WordPress插件的分步指南。

MonsterInsights is the best Google Analytics plugin for WordPress. You’ll need at least the Pro plan of the plugin to access the custom dimensions feature.

MonsterInsights是適用於WordPress的最佳Google Analytics(分析)插件。 您至少需要插件的Pro計劃才能訪問自定義尺寸功能。

Upon activation, go to the Insights » Settings page in your WordPress dashboard to enter your license key. You can find this information under your account on the MonsterInsights website.

激活後,轉到WordPress儀表板中的「 見解»設置」頁面,輸入您的許可證密鑰。 您可以在MonsterInsights網站上的帳戶下找到此信息。

Enter your license number into MonsterInsights

After verifying your license key, you need to connect your WordPress site to your Google Analytics account.

驗證許可證密鑰後,您需要將WordPress網站連接到您的Google Analytics(分析)帳戶。

On the Settings page, click on the ‘Connect MonsterInsights’ button to proceed.


Connect MonsterInsights to Google Analytics

Follow the on-screen instructions to connect your website to Google Analytics using MonsterInsights.

按照屏幕上的說明使用MonsterInsights將您的網站連接到Google Analytics(分析)。

Once connected, Google Analytics will start tracking all your website traffic.

建立連接後,Google Analytics(分析)將開始跟蹤您的所有網站流量。

You are now ready to set up author tracking on your WordPress site.


設置作者自定義尺寸以進行精確跟蹤 (Setting up Author Custom Dimensions for Accurate Tracking)

Now that everything is up and running, let’s tell Google Analytics to start tracking authors by adding a custom dimension.

現在一切就緒,讓我們告訴Google Analytics(分析)通過添加自定義維度來開始跟蹤作者。

You need to start by visiting Insights » Addons page. From here you need to click on the Install button next to the Custom Dimensions addon.

您需要先訪問「數據分析»插件」頁面。 在這裏,您需要單擊「自定義尺寸」插件旁邊的「安裝」按鈕。

Dimensions addon

Once it is installed and activated, go to Insights » Settings page and switch to the ‘Conversions’ tab.


Add a new custom dimension (under the MonsterInsights Conversions tab)

Scroll down a little and you’ll see the Custom Dimensions box. This is where you can add a new custom dimension.

向下滾動一點,您會看到「自定義維度」框。 您可以在此處添加新的自定義維度。

Click on the ‘Add New Custom Dimension’ button and select ‘Author’ from the drop-down menu. The ID will be filled in for you.

單擊「添加新的自定義維度」按鈕,然後從下拉菜單中選擇「作者」。 該ID將爲您填寫。

Select Author from the dropdown menu

Don’t forget to click the ‘Save Changes’ button at the top of the page to store your settings.


Now that you have set up custom dimensions in MonsterInsights, the next step is to do the same in Google Analytics.

現在,您已經在MonsterInsights中設置了自定義維度,下一步是在Google Analytics(分析)中執行相同的操作。

Open your Google Analytics dashboard and switch to the All Website Data view.

打開您的Google Analytics(分析)信息中心,然後切換到「所有網站數據」視圖。

From here, you need to click on the ‘Admin’ button at the bottom left corner of the screen and then select Custom Definitions » Custom Dimensions under the Property column.

在這裏,您需要單擊屏幕左下角的「管理」按鈕,然後在「屬性」列下選擇「 自定義定義»自定義維度 」。

Setting up custom dimensions in Google Analytics

You will need to click the New Custom Dimension button. On the next screen, type in ‘Author’ for the name and leave the other details unchanged.

您將需要單擊「 新建自定義維度」按鈕。 在下一個屏幕上,鍵入「作者」作爲名稱,其他詳細信息保持不變。

Creating author custom dimension

After that click on the ‘Create’ button and Google Analytics will save it for you. You’ll see some code on the next screen. You don’t need to do anything with this, as MonsterInsights handles everything for you. Just click ‘Done’ to continue.

之後,點擊「創建」按鈕,Google Analytics(分析)將爲您保存。 您將在下一個屏幕上看到一些代碼。 您無需爲此做任何事情,因爲MonsterInsights會爲您處理所有事情。 只需點擊「完成」即可繼續。

Next, you will see your ‘Author’ custom dimension listed in a table with an Index value.


Author custom dimension in Google Analytics

Make sure that the Author Index value is the same as the ID given to that custom dimension in MonsterInsights.


If not, then don’t worry, you can edit your custom dimension in MonsterInsights and change the ID to match the Index value in Google Analytics.

如果沒有,那就不用擔心,您可以在MonsterInsights中編輯自定義維度,並更改ID以與Google Analytics(分析)中的Index值匹配。

Edit author custom dimension ID in MonsterInsights

You have successfully set up author tracking on your WordPress website. Now, let’s get to the fun part of viewing the reports and finding out how your authors are doing.

您已成功在WordPress網站上設置了作者跟蹤。 現在,讓我們進入查看報告並瞭解作者的工作方式的有趣部分。

查看您的作者跟蹤報告 (Viewing Your Author Tracking Reports)

After your website has collected some traffic data, you can view your top authors inside the WordPress dashboard.


Simply go to the Insights » Reports page and switch to the Dimensions tab.


Top authors report in MonsterInsights

From here you can see your top authors that generate the most traffic on your website.


That’s not all the data. You can compare this data with your overall traffic report to get even more insights.

這還不是全部數據。 您可以將此數據與您的總體點擊量報告進行比較,以獲取更多見解。

Switch to your Google Analytics dashboard and go to Customization » Custom Reports section.

切換到您的Google Analytics(分析)信息中心,然後轉到「 自定義」»「自定義報告」部分。

Viewing Customization - Custom Reports in Google Analytic

Next, click on the ‘New Custom Report’ button to continue.


You’ll be asked to give your report a title. Enter something useful that helps you easily identify that report.

系統會要求您爲報告命名。 輸入有助於您輕鬆識別該報告的有用信息。

Author tracking custom report

After that, you need to choose the metric group. These are the things that you want Google Analytics to show for this report. For instance, we would like to see the bounce rate, pages per session, and average session duration.

之後,您需要選擇指標組。 這些是您希望Google Analytics(分析)顯示給此報告的內容。 例如,我們希望查看跳出率,每個會話的頁面數和平均會話持續時間。

Under the Dimensions Drilldowns section, select ‘Author’ and then click on the ‘Save’ button to create your custom report.


You’ll now be redirected to the custom report you just created.


The Author report in Google analytics, showing several days' worth of data

Tip: If there doesn’t appear to be any data in your report, try setting the report date to the current day. If there’s still no data, then that’s likely because you haven’t had any visitors since adding the Author custom dimension in MonsterInsights.

提示:如果您的報告中似乎沒有任何數據,請嘗試將報告日期設置爲當天。 如果仍然沒有數據,則可能是因爲自從在MonsterInsights中添加「作者」自定義維度以來,您沒有任何訪問者。

We hope this article helped you learn how to enable author tracking in WordPress. You may also want to check out our guide on how to grow your website traffic with actionable tips that are proven to work. Once you’re done reading that, check out our list of must have WordPress plugins to grow your website.

我們希望本文能幫助您學習如何在WordPress中啓用作者跟蹤。 您可能還想查看我們的指南, 指南提供切實可行的可行技巧, 以增加網站流量 。 閱讀完之後,請查看我們的列表, 這些列表必須具有WordPress插件才能發展您的網站。

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

如果您喜歡這篇文章,請訂閱我們的YouTube頻道 WordPress視頻教程。 您也可以在TwitterFacebook上找到我們。

翻譯自: https://www.wpbeginner.com/wp-tutorials/how-to-enable-author-tracking-in-wordpress/