使Word 2007始終以Word 2003格式保存

After a dozen times of accidentally sending a Word 2007 document to co-workers still stuck on Office 2003, I’ve decided to make Word save in the Word 2003 format by default. (you can do the same thing in Excel)

在無意間向仍然停留在Office 2003上的同事發送Word 2007文檔後,我決定默認將Word保存爲Word 2003格式。 (您可以在Excel中執行相同的操作)

To change this setting, click on the Office Button in the upper left hand corner.



Now click the Word Options button in the menu.

現在,單擊菜單中的「 Word選項」按鈕。


Click on the Save tab, and then change the drop-down menu for 「Save files in this format」 to be 「Word 97-2003 Document」.

單擊「保存」選項卡,然後將「以這種格式保存文件」下拉菜單更改爲「 Word 97-2003文檔」。


Now you won’t send the wrong format by accident anymore.


翻譯自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/microsoft-office/make-word-2007-always-save-in-word-2003-format/