hal 串口第一個數據丟失_極客歷史記錄的本週:HAL上線,第一個外星月亮降落,第一個噴氣式戰鬥機噴射座...

hal 串口第一個數據丟失

hal 串口第一個數據丟失


Every week we bring you interesting facts from the annals of Geekdom. This week in Geek History saw the birth of HAL, the first landing on an alien moon, and the first real-world test of a fighter jet ejection seat.

每週我們都會從《極客》的紀事中爲您帶來有趣的事實。 本週在《極客歷史》上看到了HAL的誕生,它是首次降落在外星月球上,並且是對噴氣式噴氣式飛機噴射座進行的首次真實世界測試。

HAL在線 (HAL Goes Online)


HAL, the sentient computer aboard the fictional Discovery spacecraft in Arthur C. Clarke’s 2001: A Space Odyssey, is one of the best known fictional representations of artificial intelligent in the literary and cinematic world. HAL made such an impression as the egomaniacal nemesis in the film that it was ranked 13th on AFI’s list of greatest movie villains. Per the timeline in the movie HAL became operational on January 12th, 1992—and then spent the next 9 years simply waiting to utter the words 「I’m sorry, Dave. I’m afraid I can’t do that.」

HAL是Arthur C.Clarke的《 2001年:太空漫遊》中的虛構的Discovery航天器上的感知計算機,是文學和電影世界中最著名的人工智能虛構作品之一。 哈爾(HAL)在影片中表現出如女性般的剋星, 在AFI的最佳電影反派名單中排名第13位。 按照電影中的時間軸,HAL於1992年1月12日投入使用-然後用了接下來的9年時間只是在說出「對不起,戴夫。 恐怕我做不到。」

惠更斯登陸泰坦 (Huygens Lands on Titan)


On January 14th, 2005 the European Space Agency’s probe Huygens landed on Titan (one of Saturn’s moons) after a nearly 8 year journey. The landing marked the first time scientific equipment had directly placed on an alien moon and the first landing on any planet or moon in the outer solar system. Although Huygens was intended to be merely a probe and not a lander it continued to transmit data back to the Cassini orbiter for relay back to Earth for a full 90 minutes.

2005年1月14日,歐洲太空總署的惠更斯號探測器經過近8年的旅行,降落在土衛六(土星的衛星之一)上。 降落標誌着科學設備第一次直接放置在外星月球上,也是第一次降落在外太陽系中的任何行星或月球上。 儘管惠更斯只​​不過是一個探測器,而不是着陸器,但它繼續將數據傳輸回卡西尼號軌道器,以便在90分鐘內中繼回到地球。

第一彈射座椅 (First Ejection Seat)


In January of 1942 a German test pilot, Helmut Schenck, became the first person to test an ejection seat under duress. His Heinkel He-280 jet fighter was being towed behind a conventional air craft when his wings iced up, rendering his engines useless. He popped the canopy and fired off his compressed-air powered ejection seat. Later models would trade compressed air for small explosive charges to achieve a faster and safer escape.

1942年1月,德國測試飛行員Helmut Schenck 成爲第一個在脅迫下測試彈射座椅的人 。 當他的機翼結冰時,他的Heinkel He-280噴氣式戰鬥機被拖到常規飛機的後面,致使引擎失效。 他彈出頂篷,然後用壓縮空氣驅動的彈射座椅開火。 後來的型號將壓縮空氣換成少量炸藥,以實現更快更安全的逃生。

翻譯自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/40536/this-week-in-geek-history-hal-goes-live-first-alien-moon-landing-first-fighter-jet-ejection-seat/

hal 串口第一個數據丟失