CS224d Assignment1 答案, Part(3/4)


3. word2vec (40 points + 5 bonus)

(a). (3 points) Assume you are given a predicted word vector vc corresponding to the center word c for skipgram, and word prediction is made with the softmax function found in word2vec models


where w denotes the w -th word and uw (w=1,,W) are the 「output」 word vectors for all words in the vocabulary. Assume cross entropy cost is applied to this prediction and word o is the expected word (the o -th element of the one-hot label vector is one), derive the gradients with respect to vc .
Hint: It will be helpful to use notation from question 2. For instance, letting y^ be the vector of softmax predictions for every word, y as the expected word vector, and the loss function

where U=[u1,u2,,uW] is the matrix of all the output vectors. Make sure you state the orientation of your vectors and matrices.

解:設詞向量的維度爲 ndim ,且各詞向量爲列向量,即 vc 的維度爲 ndim×1 U 的維度爲 ndim×W 。並且記 θ=UTvc 。則有 y^=softmax(θ) 。由第2問(b)的結果可得:


(b)(3 points) As in the previous part, derive gradients for the 「output」 word vectors uw (including uo ).

解:同(a)中一樣,設 θ=UTvc ,則有:


其中 θk=uTkvc ,則 θkUij={vi0j=kjk ,其中 vi 表示 vc 的第 i 個元素。則有:


(c). (6 points) Repeat part (a) and (b) assuming we are using the negative sampling loss for the predicted vector vc , and the expected output word is o . Assume that K negative samples (words) are drawn, and they are 1,,K , respectively for simplicity of notation (o{1,,K}) . Again, for a given word, o , denote its output vector as uo . The negative sampling loss function in this case is


where σ() is the sigmoid function.
After you’ve done this, describe with one sentence why this cost function is much more efficient to compute than the softmax-CE loss (you could provide a speed-up ratio, i.e. the runtime of the softmax-CE loss divided by the runtime of the negative sampling loss).
Note: the cost function here is the negative of what Mikolov et al had in their original paper, because we are doing a minimization instead of maximization in our code.

解:設所取的 K 個索引所在的集合爲 S



之所以(6)式比(5)式快是因爲: runtime of softmax-CEruntime of negative sampling loss=O(W)O(K) (不知道這麼說是不是準確,望大神指正)。

(d). (8 points) Derive gradients for all of the word vectors for skip-gram and CBOW given the previous parts and given a set of context words [wordcm,,wordc1,wordc,wordc+1,,wordc+m] , where m is the context size. Denote the 「input」 and 「output」 word vectors for wordk as vk and uk respectively.
Hint: feel free to use F(o,vc) (where o is the expected word) as a placeholder for the JsoftmaxCE(o,vc,) or Jnegsample(o,vc,) cost functions in this part - you’ll see that this is a useful abstraction for the coding part. That is, your solution may contain terms of the form F(o,vc) .
Recall that for skip-gram, the cost for a context centered around c is


where wc+j refers to the word at the j -th index from the center.
CBOW is slightly different. Instead of using vc as the predicted vector, we use v^ de fined below. For (a simpler variant of) CBOW, we sum up the input word vectors in the context

then the CBOW cost is

Note: To be consistent with the v^ notation such as for the code portion, for skip-gram v^=vc .

解:設 vk,uk 分別爲詞 k 所對應的內外向量。




其中 wc+j 爲從中心數第 j 個詞所對應的one-hot vector。




ps: 感覺這個答案好簡單的樣子,爲什麼要給8分呢?

(e)(f)(g)(h). 見代碼,略

附一張訓出來的圖,也就是我跑完q3_run.py之後出現的圖,reddit 上有人討論怎麼看這個圖是否合理:

resulting word vector